Wavelength Switchable High-Power Diode-Side-Pumped Rod Tm: YAG Laser around 2µm
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Optics Express
We report a high-power diode-side-pumped rod Tm:YAG laser operated at either 2.07 or 2.02 µm depending on the transmission of pumped output coupler. The laser yields 115W of continuous-wave output power at 2.07 µm with 5% output coupling, which is the highest output power for all solid-state 2.07 μm cw rod Tm:YAG laser reported so far. With an output coupler of 10% transmission, the center wavelength of the laser is switched to 2.02 μm with an output power of 77.1 W. This is the first observation of high-power wavelength switchable diode-side-pumped rod Tm:YAG laser around 2 µm.
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Wang, Caili, Shi-Feng Du, Yanxiong Niu, Zhichao Wang, Chao Zhang, Qi Bian, Chuan Guo, Jialin Xu, Qinjun Peng, Da-fu Cui, Jing-Yuan Zhang, Wenqiang Lei, Zuyan Xu.
"Wavelength Switchable High-Power Diode-Side-Pumped Rod Tm: YAG Laser around 2µm."
Optics Express, 21 (6): 7156-7161: Optica Publishing Group.
doi: 10.1364/OE.21.007156