Path 2 Purpose for teachers (helping students find their why)


Individual Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Dustin Rivenbark and Associates Inc.

First Presenter’s Email Address

First Presenter's Brief Biography

With over six years of working with youth and young adults, Dustin has a proven track record with EMPOWERING the Next Generation to stay in school and succeed in life NO MATTER WHAT! Dustin is experienced in speaking to schools, companies/businesses, churches, conferences and non-profit organizations. His experience in the community consists of helping to organize community events and working with youth/young adults and inmates to ensure the success of the NEXT GENERATION. He has spoken to hundreds of high school students in multiple states , hundreds of church members and local jails.


Session Six Breakouts (Plimsoll)

Strand #1

Heart: Social & Emotional Skills

Strand #2

Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership


As we all know, being a teacher and or school administrator is very fulfilling yet quite daunting at times. Between miscommunication, the hustle and bustle of the local school system and/or unruly kids and their parent, life can be difficult to say the least.
In my Path 2 Purpose discussion, I’m going to teach you how to manage the stresses of leading both yourself and your student. Find balance, health and purpose with our Path 2 Purpose talk.

Brief Program Description

Path 2 Purpose
As we all know, being a teacher and or school administrator is very fulfilling yet quite daunting at times. Between miscommunication, the hustle and bustle of the local school system and/or unruly kids and their parent, life can be difficult to say the least. In my Path 2 Purpose discussion, I’m going to teach you how to manage the stresses of leading both yourself and your student. Find balance, health and purpose with our Path 2 Purpose presentation.


Path 2 Purpose (six steps to purpose)

1. Prepare!

Mind- what is feeding your mind?

Body – what is feeding your body?

Soul- what is your power source?

2. Determine your inner circle! Who has your ear? Who is speaking into your life? Quality of friends over quantity.

3. Identify what’s holding you back! If we are all honest with ourselves we can determine at least one particular obstacle or challenge that is holding us back from being all that we can be. What is it that you know you need to STEP UP to? Who or what do you need to say no to?

4. Fight until there is nothing left and then fight some more! Nothing worthwhile is easy. Let the challenge be your fuel. “If we don’t get excited by the challenges of life, then the challenges of life will defeat you.”

5. Have fun in the process! Life is a journey and a process, embrace it! We only lose when we quit! Refuse to be average! Patience and Inaction are not the same!

Patience is the by-product of the process, which is the by-product of the actions that you have put into creating the results that we want; Inaction is the by-product of laziness, which is the by- product of DISOBEDIENCE to this life that you have been given.

6. Live your purpose/Create your legacy We don’t let life happen, we create the life that we want!


Years of Testimonials

“Words are inadequate to express my heartfelt gratitude for the precious time you gave to our faculty, staff, and students yesterday. Your words of encouragement quickly reminded me that HCHS is, indeed, my mission field! So many of our students encounter obstacles on a daily basis that hinder their ability to excel to their true potential. Thank you for the encouragement, praise, and love that you shared with them yesterday. Thank you for sharing with our students that they were put here with a purpose. Also, thank you for challenging the faculty and staff to rise to their intended purpose. Dustin, you are always welcome at HCHS.”

—Lisa Towns- Principal at Houston County High School

“Having Dustin speak to our student athletes has truly been a blessing. He has a unique way of relating to each individual even when speaking to a large group. He brings a great mixture of inspiration, motivation, and spiritual truth in his speaking. Dustin has been a true inspiration to my athletes and myself.”

—Christopher Littleton – Head Football Coach, Ashford High School

“Listening to Dustin speak truly opens your mind and soul. When he speaks you can certainly relate and you hear his desire to truly help people. He moves people to want to do better. True inspiration and a servants heart! I am blessed to know him.”

—Kimberly Vann – Executive Director for the Ashford Downtown Redevelopment Authority

“We had the privilege of having Dustin serve as our Veritas Youth Camp speaker this year. From the first session with our youth Dustin was engaging as well as inspiring. The youth responded well to his high energy and enthusiastic delivery. Each message was well thought out and presented in a way that had a natural flow. Most importantly, Dustin not only challenged the the hearts of our youth but all who were present. We look forward to working with Dustin again with our future camps. Sincerely, Rev. Dino Danzey camp whispering pines director

Learning Objective 1

Balance personal life with life’s mission (leading students)

Learning Objective 2

Help students find their “Why!”

Learning Objective 3

Live free, lead well and rediscover their passion for the next generation

Keyword Descriptors

Purpose, balance, discipline, leadership, discover, define, prepare, legacy, happiness, youth advocacy, resilience

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-7-2023 1:00 PM

End Date

3-7-2023 2:15 PM

This document is currently not available here.


Mar 7th, 1:00 PM Mar 7th, 2:15 PM

Path 2 Purpose for teachers (helping students find their why)

Session Six Breakouts (Plimsoll)

Path 2 Purpose
As we all know, being a teacher and or school administrator is very fulfilling yet quite daunting at times. Between miscommunication, the hustle and bustle of the local school system and/or unruly kids and their parent, life can be difficult to say the least. In my Path 2 Purpose discussion, I’m going to teach you how to manage the stresses of leading both yourself and your student. Find balance, health and purpose with our Path 2 Purpose presentation.