Individual Presentation
First Presenter's Institution
Thomas County School System
Second Presenter's Institution
Thomas County Middle School
Third Presenter's Institution
Thomas County Middle School
Fourth Presenter's Institution
Valdosta State University
Fifth Presenter's Institution
Valdosta State University
Ballroom D
Strand #1
Academic Achievement & School Leadership
This proposal is directly related to Strand 1: Academic Achievement & Leadership (Reducing achievement gaps; Equitable opportunity to learn) and Academic instruction (STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts “Art, Design, and Humanities”, & Mathematics). This proposal is consistent with the Title IV, ESSA, Part A SSAE (Student Support and Academic Enrichment) standard which focuses on 1. Providing all students with access to a well-rounded education, & 2. Improve school conditions for student learning.
Brief Program Description
How did a Title l school located in a designated rural Georgia school district implement a Pilot On Tour STEAM Art Integration Curriculum Program to promote a balanced curriculum for Title I students? Findings and leadership practices from this study will be shared and presenters will be available during and after the conference along with supporting handouts.
Thomas County Middle School is a Title I school located in a designated rural Georgia School District. It was determined, after careful review, there was a need to innovate and promote a balanced curriculum related to STEM and now STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts “Art, Design, and Humanities”, & Mathematics) subjects as one strategy to promote a balanced curriculum related to the student achievement gap for Title I students and provide equitable opportunities for those students to experience an integrated STEAM curriculum. This is not an uncommon challenge in many Title l schools which are experiencing challenges related to student performance and this challenge seems persistent in rural America. Access to a balanced curriculum is considered a viable option, both at the Federal and State level, for schools to meet student needs. The On Tour STEAM Art Integration Program is one innovation designed to meet the objects of addressing the achievement gap related to the STEAM subjects as a means of promoting equitable access to an integrated art curriculum. During the implementation process (Fall 2016 – Spring 2017) the school leaders implementing the Pilot observed and monitored the implementation process and responses to the On Tour STEAM Art Integration Curriculum Program from participating faculty and students. Preliminary findings were shared with the science teachers attending the Summer SWGA RESA Science Conference on June 6, 2017. The school leaders dialogued with participating science teachers related to the science and STEAM curriculum integration practices. Since the conclusion of this session practices and strategies have been revealed and hold great promise for other Title I schools with the intent of using an innovative program to promote a balanced curriculum for Title I students.
Thomas County Middle School (a Title l middle school located in a Georgia designated rural school district) elected to participate in the Pilot On Tour STEAM Art Integration Curriculum Program. The Pilot was conducted over the 2016 – 2017 school year (Fall 2016 & Spring 2017). A qualitative analysis reviewing the implementation process will be completed during the Summer of 2017. The results focusing on the experiences of school leaders implementing this process holds great promise for other Title l schools with the same objectives noted above. These findings will be available to YAR Conference participants. The school leaders in the study have agreed to respond, during and after the YAR 2018 Conference, to participant requests for assistance. The findings will be available for sharing at the Spring 2018 YAR Conference. Note: although the “Pilot” has ended the STEAM Art Integration Curriculum Program will continue and will be permanently embedded into the school’s curriculum beginning Fall 2017. Thus, the findings will be enhanced as long term experiences will be evaluated and included in study results. The findings noted are consistent with the Title IV, ESSA, Part A SSAE (Student Support and Academic Enrichment) standard which focuses on 1. Providing all students with access to a well-rounded education, & 2. Improve school conditions for student learning effort to promote creativity and innovation. The authors plan to submit an article detailing program implementation processes and impact on students in 2018.
Biographical Sketch
Lisa Williams, Ed.D., is an Associate Superintendent for the Thomas County School System. She has served over 17 years in public education as a school nurse, school counselor, Director of Student Services, Assistant Superintendent, and has recently been named as the Superintendent Designee for the Thomas County School System. Her role as superintendent will begin June 2018.
Jamie Thompson, Ed.S., is an administrator with the Thomas County School System. He currently serves as principal at Thomas County Middle School. He has served over 17 years in public education as an English teacher, school counselor, assistant principal, and principal.
Emily Holton, M.Ed. in Art Education, is the Art teacher at Thomas County Middle School. She has been in the public school system as an art educator since 2005. She was recently named the Georgia Art Education Association's Middle-Level Art Educator of the 2016-2017 school year.
Ronny Green, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at Valdosta State University. His school site experiences include serving as a guidance counselor, school administrator, and school principal. He was recognized as an Outstanding Principal by the Florida Department of Education. He served for five years with the State of Florida coordinating leadership development for the State of Florida via the Florida Council on Educational Management. He has served for years as a mentor to new principals and principals at failing schools. His book Natural Forces: How to Significantly Increase Student Achievement in the Third Millennium focuses on systems thinking and leadership development and has sold in the thousands.
Rudo Tsemunhu, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at Valdosta State University. She has international school site experience that includes serving as a school principal in Zimbabwe and program coordinator for an educational initiative in Boston, MA.
William Truby, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at Valdosta State University. He has 43 years of K-12 experience as a teacher, coach, club sponsor, assistant principal, athletic director, activities director, associate principal, principal (high, middle, and elementary levels), and school system superintendent. He has been recognized for excellence in his administrative roles on several occasions. He has taught as an adjunct professor for three other colleges before taking a full-time position at VSU. He has authored a book and co-authored another.
Keyword Descriptors
STEAM, Title I schools, Title IV, leadership, academic achievement, well-rounded education, improve school conditions, student learning, school climate, art integration
Presentation Year
Start Date
3-6-2018 1:00 PM
End Date
3-6-2018 2:15 PM
Recommended Citation
Williams, Lisa; Thompson, Jamie; Holton, Emily; Green, Ronny; Tsemunhu, Rudo; and Truby, William, "Implementing the Innovative On Tour STEAM Art Integration Curriculum Program in a Georgia Title l School with Amazing Results!" (2018). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 114.
STEAM On Tour Handout
Included in
Arts and Humanities Commons, Engineering Commons, Life Sciences Commons, Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons
Implementing the Innovative On Tour STEAM Art Integration Curriculum Program in a Georgia Title l School with Amazing Results!
Ballroom D
How did a Title l school located in a designated rural Georgia school district implement a Pilot On Tour STEAM Art Integration Curriculum Program to promote a balanced curriculum for Title I students? Findings and leadership practices from this study will be shared and presenters will be available during and after the conference along with supporting handouts.