Student Academic Plans: A Process to Increase Student Achievement


Individual Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Wood-Ridge Public School District

Second Presenter's Institution

Wood-Ridge Public School District

Third Presenter's Institution

Wood-Ridge Public School District

Fourth Presenter's Institution


Fifth Presenter's Institution



Ballroom E

Strand #1

Social & Emotional Skills

Strand #2

Family & Community


The Student Academic Plan (SAP) is a process by which high school students at risk of academic failure are engaged in a commitment to make academic growth and achieve success. The SAP process provides students with opportunities to make healthy decisions, and establish goals, with identified supports through a solid plan. This plan also serves to increase parental involvement by engaging parents through the process, and requiring partnership of home and school. Parents, students, and school personnel collaborate on the SAP, develop goals, monitor progress, reflect upon and adjust the plan, and collectively implement the activities. Through the SAP an increase in parental involvement with student achievement and student motivation, resilience and empowerment become key factors in decreasing students at risk of school failure. The SAP process has been implemented for several years at Wood-Ridge High School with great success as evidenced by reducing student retention and student drop out rates. In four years, student achievement among grade 12 students has moved from 33% of the students identified as under-performing and at risk for not graduating to 100% of the students in grade 12 meeting graduation requirements each year for the last 4 years.

Brief Program Description

The Student Academic Plan serves to engage students and their families in a process aimed at partnering in a plan for academic success. Students at risk of failure and not meeting graduation requirements become motivated to achieve growth and are empowered by the process. While making academic strides students are also learning life long skills of resilience and goal attainment.


Student Academic Plan Presentation:

The presentation will describe the The Student Academic Plan (SAP): a process by which high school students at risk of academic failure are engaged in a commitment to make academic growth and achieve success. The SAP process provides students with opportunities to make healthy decisions, and establish goals, with identified supports through a solid plan. This plan also serves to increase parental involvement by engaging parents through the process, and requiring partnership of home and school. Parents, students, and school personnel collaborate on the SAP, develop goals, monitor progress, reflect upon and adjust the plan, and collectively implement the activities. Through the SAP an increase in parental involvement with student achievement and student motivation, resilience and empowerment become key factors in decreasing students at risk of school failure. The SAP process has been implemented for with great success as evidenced by reducing student retention and student drop out rates. In four years, student achievement among grade 12 students has moved from 33% of the students identified as under-performing and at risk for not graduating to 100% of the students in grade 12 meeting graduation requirements each year for the last 4 years.

The presentation will provide specific strategies, shared experiences (highlighted both pearls of wisdom gained from experiences and pitfalls to avoid), templates, and models of effective SAPs. Participants will leave with practical tools that may be duplicated or adapted for use with their students.

Session presentation will provide participants with an understanding of how the process, tools and outcomes. The Student Academic Plan serves to engage students and their families in a process aimed at partnering in a plan for academic success. Students at risk of failure and not meeting graduation requirements become motivated to achieve growth and are empowered by the process. While making academic strides students are also learning life long skills of resilience and goal attainment.


Use of the Student Academic Plan is a promising practice as evidenced by the decrease in student drop out and retention. Whereas 33% of high school seniors were at risk of failure, the population data has shifted to 100% of high school seniors meeting graduation requirements over the last four years.

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Sue DeNobile, Assistant Superintendent, has been an educator for 23 years with nearly 10 years of experience as an educational leader in varied administrative roles. Dr. DeNobile's administrative experience began with alternative educational programs. Her passion for this work brought forward her doctoral dissertation "An Analysis of Public Alternative Education Schools and Programs in the State of New Jersey: A Comparison to National Data". Prior to entering education Dr. DeNobile was a clinical social worker serving children and adolescents at risk of home removal.

Ms. Maria Barrows, Guidance Counselor, has been an educator for 26 years. Ms. Barrows has an unwavering commitment to teamwork and partnerships with students, parents, and colleagues, all of which are aimed at ensuring students have a successful journey - academically, socially, and emotionally. Ms. Barrows has been the leader of program initiatives and her array of experiences lend to expertise in program implementation practices.

Mr. Nicholas Cipriano, Superintendent of Schools, has been an educator for 20 years, as well as a coach and mentor to students, teachers, and student athletes. Mr. Cipriano has guided school practices toward the successful establishment of student academies through which student interest, engagement and achievement are equally heightened. Mr. Cipriano lends expertise in the development of school programs to maximize effectiveness, growth, and achievement.

Keyword Descriptors

Academic Plans Achievement Partnerships At-Risk Programs

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-6-2017 1:15 PM

End Date

3-6-2017 2:30 PM

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Supplemental Document

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Mar 6th, 1:15 PM Mar 6th, 2:30 PM

Student Academic Plans: A Process to Increase Student Achievement

Ballroom E

The Student Academic Plan serves to engage students and their families in a process aimed at partnering in a plan for academic success. Students at risk of failure and not meeting graduation requirements become motivated to achieve growth and are empowered by the process. While making academic strides students are also learning life long skills of resilience and goal attainment.