Mining Daily Student Behavioral Data to Change Behavior and Manage the Classroom
Poster Presentation
Harborside Center East and West
Strand #1
Academic Achievement & School Leadership
Strand #2
Social & Emotional Skills
Academic Achievement and Leadership by using student behavioral data to guide leadership and teacher decisions regarding behavior interventions with students. The second strand that will touched on is the social and emotional skills, the presentation will address how using student behavioral data can guide life skills instruction, help student goal setting, and self-sufficiency goals of monitoring behavior.
Brief Program Description
School leaders and teachers are instrumental at creating educational and social cultures for students within their schools. Data speaks loudly when changing a school culture or individual classroom management. This session will focus on the collection and use of behavior data to help drive school and student decisions. Strategies and techniques will be shared that can inform decision-making and strategic planning as well as guide teacher practices, and impact student behavior. Participants will leave with tools for data collection and implementation techniques to use for individual students, classrooms and buildings.
As the school leader, you’re often enlisted to bring about change in your school, whether it is academic, behavioral, school culture or all three. Superintendents may also ask school leaders the additional layer of collecting data on school improvement. SO while bringing about this change can you also proves the data you collected to prove that change was made please?? People from all sources will be happy to tell you WHAT things need to be changed, in fact they may be talking about it in the teachers’ lounge, at the local café, or in homes in the community. HOW is often where school leaders find themselves looking for some answers. Data collection methods need to be easy, straight forward and to the point, otherwise teachers will use them for a short period of time and then move on to something else. During this presentation, school leaders will be led in a practical discussion of “how” you can successfully collect data, implement interventions, and show change in student’s behaviors. The session will include demonstration of data collection methods for behaviors, effective interventions, take away data collection forms, and real life stories of students whose school experience has been changed by using data collection. This session will be valuable to school leaders looking for a practical, research based approached for collecting data to show evidence of change in behavioral improvements within their school. Teachers may also benefit from attending this session as they will be able to collect student and classroom data that can then guide and aid them in classroom management and instruction.
This presentation will use the "Specialized Classroom Managment" method of data collection techniques based off 30 years of research and data management with youth who have mental health, special education, juvenile justice involvment and behavioral/emotional disorders.
Biographical Sketch
Dr. Tanya Martin is director of special education and transition services. Her primary professional focus has been developing educational programs for special needs students with co-occurring mental health disorders. She is a board member of NESTAR (Nebraska Educators for At-Risk Youth) as well as the collaborative board for OHP (Students in Out of Home Placements) in conjunction with the Nebraska Department of Education. Martin also teaches as a lecturer for the UNO Special Education Department. She was named the Nebraska Special Educator of the year in 2010 by the Council for Exceptional Children. Martin earned four degrees in education from the University of Nebraska-Omaha: a BS (1994), MS (Special Education) 1999, MS (Education Administration) 2003, and Ed.D. (2011).
Dr. Robert Reznicek has spent over 25 years in education teaching, coaching, school leader and superintendent. Dr. Reznicek is currently the superintendent of schools for Boys Town which focuses education on at-risk students grades k-12.
Keyword Descriptors
Leadership, Behavior Interventions, Data Collection, School Change
Presentation Year
Start Date
3-3-2015 4:00 PM
End Date
3-3-2015 5:30 PM
Recommended Citation
Martin, Tanya Dr. and Reznicek, Robert Dr., "Mining Daily Student Behavioral Data to Change Behavior and Manage the Classroom" (2015). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 27.
Mining Daily Student Behavioral Data to Change Behavior and Manage the Classroom
Harborside Center East and West
School leaders and teachers are instrumental at creating educational and social cultures for students within their schools. Data speaks loudly when changing a school culture or individual classroom management. This session will focus on the collection and use of behavior data to help drive school and student decisions. Strategies and techniques will be shared that can inform decision-making and strategic planning as well as guide teacher practices, and impact student behavior. Participants will leave with tools for data collection and implementation techniques to use for individual students, classrooms and buildings.