Poster Presentation
Ballroom D
Strand #1
Academic Achievement & School Leadership
This proposal relates to strand one by providing teachers with Common Core based strategies that can be used in all classrooms including Special Education and Early Intervention.
Brief Program Description
This presentation will provide Common Core based strategies for teachers to use with students at risk of failure. Participants will engage in tasks that will allow them to experience Close reading, constructed response, and math problem solving. These cross curricular strategies will address literary, informational, and problem solving standards.
Since the implementation of Common Core, teachers have struggled to effectively teach the rigor necessary for mastery of the standards. At the elementary level teachers are finding it necessary to teach students to read texts closely so that students will have an understanding of the text and can answer questions that are required by the common core. Students can no longer wait until middle or high school to learn to annotate texts in order to answer complex reading comprehension and math problem solving questions that require them to formulate a constructed response. It is imperative that these skills are now taught at the elementary school level so that students are learning to think critical when solving reading and math problems. Recent negative media attention has helped to foster an environment for parental resistance and misunderstandings about math Common Core standards. Therefore, teachers are having to educate parents about how to help students effectively solve math problems and understand the premise behind the standards. Through these strategies, teachers can guide students, as well as parents through the conceptual understanding of math. In this session, participants will be provided with opportunities to actively experience Close reading, math problem solving, and answer constructed response questions. The strategies taught in this session will enable educators to teach students to persevere, make sense of problems, and construct viable arguments. Through constructing responses students will use strategies to critique the reasoning of others, model problems, and attend to precision. Teachers will leave this session confident in implementing strategies that align with Common Core teaching of reading and math.
Research indicates that close reading of complex texts is linked to students making marked gains in reading, regardless of the fact that a student is an advanced reader or a struggling reading. (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, 2011, p. 7) Fisher & Frey (2012) state that close reading is not a new strategy, however, it should take place and be purposeful (p. 8). According to Buckley (2011), teachers must give students to necessary tools so that students can use text to construct meaning (p. 29) One of the first standards for mathematical practice in the common core is that students must make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. In order for students to be proficient in problem solving, they need to have procedural and conceptual knowledge. According to Bruun, “students taught to apply a heuristic will have a higher problem solving performance than those taught there is only one way to solve a problem. Problem solving remains a key element in mathematics, that enables students to the learn the content of the problem in the context it is taught within a cohesive curriculum where problem solving reason, critical thinking. Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. (2011). PARCC model content frameworks: English language arts/literacy grades 3–11. Retrieved Bruun, F. (2013). Elementary Teachers’ Perspectives of Mathematics Problem Solving Strategies. The Mathematics Educator, 23(1), 45-59. Buckley, E. M. (2011). 360 degrees of text: Using poetry to teach close reading and powerful writing. Urbana, IL: NCTE. Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (Jan. 2012). Engaging the adolescent learner: Text complexity and close readings. Newark, DE: IRA. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2006). Curriculum focal points for prekindergarten through grade 8 mathematics. Reston, VA.
Biographical Sketch
Dr. Kim Trepanier is a special education teacher and department chair person at New Hope Elementary in Locust Grove, GA. She has 20 years of experience in grades P-5, as both a regular education and special education teacher. In addition to a classroom teacher, she is an adjunct professor at Mercer University’s Tift College of Education. Furthermore, she serves on the school leadership team.
Tonya Hiers is an Early Intervention Program teacher and math chairperson at New Hope Elementary in Locust Grove, GA. She has 12 years of teaching experiences in grades K-5. She serves at the Curriculum Empowerment Representative for Math at her school and she serves on the school leadership team.
Arlene Berry is an Early Intervention Program teacher and ELA chairperson at New Hope Elementary in Locust Grove, GA. She has 12 years of teaching experiences in grades K-5. She serves at the Curriculum Empowerment Representative for ELA at her school and she serves on the school leadership team.
Keyword Descriptors
Common Core, Strategies, Close Reading, Problem Solving, Math, Reading, Writing
Presentation Year
Start Date
3-2-2015 1:15 PM
End Date
3-2-2015 2:30 PM
Recommended Citation
Hiers, Tonya; Berry, Arlene; and Trepanier, Kim, "Reading and Math Strategies for Struggling Students" (2015). National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference. 221.
Included in
Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Educational Administration and Supervision Commons, Educational Methods Commons, Elementary Education and Teaching Commons
Reading and Math Strategies for Struggling Students
Ballroom D
This presentation will provide Common Core based strategies for teachers to use with students at risk of failure. Participants will engage in tasks that will allow them to experience Close reading, constructed response, and math problem solving. These cross curricular strategies will address literary, informational, and problem solving standards.