Redefining Manhood: Archaeology, History, & Prisoner of War Resistance in the latr 19th and early20th Centuries
Media Type
Date of Lecture
Georgia Southern University, Moveable Feast
Description of Lecture
The first lecture of the 2021-2022 Moveable Feast Lecture Series will be Thursday, Nov. 11, at the Hinesville Performing Arts Center. Georgia Southern University’s Dr. Brian K. Feltman, an Associate Professor of Modern European History, and Dr. Ryan K. McNutt, an Assistant Professor of Anthropology, will present Redefining Manhood: Archaeology, History, & Prisoner of War Resistance in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. This event is free and open to the public both in person and via Facebook Live.
Recommended Citation
Feltman, Brian K. and McNutt, Ryan K., "Redefining Manhood: Archaeology, History, & Prisoner of War Resistance in the latr 19th and early20th Centuries" (2021). A Moveable Feast: Celebrating the Life of the Mind. 11.
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