Past, present, future of HIV/AIDS science and practice in psychology

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Psychology and AIDS Exchange Newsletter


In recent APA conventions, we noticed the decline of presentations related to HIV/AIDS programming despite the continued need and importance of HIV/AIDS related research and practice. Given the current zeitgeist and particularly the reduced federal emphasis on and funding for social and behavioral sciences, there are misassumptions about HIV/AIDS as a problem of the past, and one that has been addressed solely with biomedical advances. In response, we, on behalf of the Committee on Psychology and AIDS, submitted a 2017 collaborative symposium presentation, entitled, “Past, Present, and Future of HIV/AIDS Science and Practice in Psychology” to draw attention to the critical role of psychologists in addressing the pandemic. Our presentation was since designated and held as a 125th APA anniversary talk, was video-recorded, provided Continuing Education Credits (CEs), and subsequently highlighted with a highly visible blog on to underscore the critical role of behavioral approaches in optimizing biomedical advancements. In short, our symposium reviewed the contributions of social and behavioral sciences over the last three decades, and underscored how essential psychologists have been in the design and implementation of HIV prevention, care and treatment that is culturally-sensitive, accessible, attentive to holistic well-being and integrated into biomedical services.


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