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Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Nic McCloud, Armstrong Dog Enrichment Group, Animal Control, Angie Koban, Tufts University, Sallie Mood Drive, Humane Society, Kyle Adams, Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, SNOLAB, SNO+, Economics Club, Jane Wong, Lady Pirates, Matt Barkley, Alpha Sigma Tau, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Salwa Bugaighis, 2012 Election, Tom Cato, Gearbox Software, Peter Mellen, Campus Union Board, Open Mic Night, Diana Castro Diaz, Dog Enrichment Group, Brent McCarty


  • Nic McCloud 1991-2012 Elizabeth Hover
  • Professor studies supernova neutrinos Brittany Cook
  • Pirates avoid Cougar's attack Katie Balcom
  • Volleyball tournament rough sailing for Pirates Chip Dudley
  • Religious intolerance versus freedom of expression Henry Ancheta
  • Faculty showcases artwork Lindsay Grovenstein
  • Students laugh, sing during second Open Mic Night Reilly Mesco


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