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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Speech and Drama, John Suchower, Civic Center, Union Board Committee, National Entertainment Convention, Masquers, Alpha Phi Alpha, Ralph Nader, Atomic Industrial Forum, Savannah Film Society, Homecoming, Cheerleaders, Employment Security Agency, Civic Center, Brunswick Jr. College, Buccaneers, Special Unemployment Assistance Program, Pirates, Jaguars


Doonesbury cartoons redacted due to copyright concerns.

  • New Speech Course: Television Production
  • Alpha Phi Alpha National fraternity Charles W. Flournoy, Jr.
  • Language Barrier: Why Student's Can't Write
  • Nuclear Industry's Public Trial Timothy Lange
  • Homecoming Winners
  • Bringing Home The Bacon Eddie Donato
  • Pirates Bow To West Georgia 97-101 Bill Miller

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