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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, University System of Georgia, Board of Regents, Fine Arts Department, Nancy Rider, Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), Finance Committee, Coach Simms, Coach Bedwell, Dennis Pruitt, Quiz Bowl Team, Union Board, Quiz Bowl, Charlie Daniel, Keith Douglas, Pirates, Coach Alexander, Pike, Soccer Club, American Journal of Sociology


Doonesbury cartoons redacted due to copyright concerns

  • The 1975-76 Tuition Increase
  • News Shorts
  • Charlie Daniel's Band Tim Persse
  • Escalating War On Aerosols Scott Thurber
  • Review T.K. Wallace
  • Pirate Hurlers Start Drills Bill Miller
  • Rugby: The Game of Ruffians As Played By Gentleman
  • Inadequacies In Sentencing Otis L. Hayward

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