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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Declaration of Intention, Office of Student Activities, Student Government Association (SGA), William Lowell Putnam National Collegiate Mathematics Competition, Henry Ashmore, Georgia State Queen, Posture Pageant, Dennis Pruitt, Traffic Committee, Sigma Theta Chapter, Fourth Annual Kiwanis, Peach Blossom Arts, Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, Joe Buck, Student Affairs, Emory University, Stephanie Rich, Tom Coleman, Tybee National Classic, Pro-Am Criterium, Savannah Beach, Pirates, Student Senate Traffic Committee


Doonesbury cartoons redacted due to copyright concerns.

  • Student Government Elections Ahead
  • Strenski named Putnam Fellow
  • News Shorts
  • Rights of Students Under Buckley Amendment
  • A Man's Home Is His Casket
  • Canned Goods...
  • Time Out Ron George
  • Armstrong Splits Double Header With Lehigh

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