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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Albany Junior College, Business Administration, James F. Repella, Dance/Concert Committee, Putnam County Pickers, HEW, George Beasley, Phi Alpha Theta, Parks and Historic Sites Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, USGA, Big A Club, Magda Constanzo, Orin Sadlo, American Association of State Colleges and Universities, National Endowment for the Humanities, American Youth Hostels (AYH)


  • "The Winter of our Discontent" Dr. H. Dean Propst
  • Lovely Lady of the South Terry Malphrus
  • Composer-Pianist Stephen Montague to Appear
  • Real Estate Appraisal Class
  • Available: Extraordinary Summer Employment
  • ASC Homecoming 1979
  • Transition from Married to Single Life Sally Swartz
  • Supervisory Success

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