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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Board of Regents, Lee Harrell, Alexa Holland, Linda Baxley, Melanie Foss, Savannah State College, Student Government Association (SGA), ROTC, Women of Worth (WOW), Recreational Activities Department, Alpha Gamma Delta, National Medical Laboratory Week, Bucs, NCAA, Lynn Roberts, Rock Me Productions, Adrian Cronauer, Micki Harbin, University of Texas, CARL, Mike Smith


  • On the Verge of A Merge J.J. Rutland
  • SGA To Hold Elections 18th, 19th Danny Manning
  • WOW Back in Action Beckie Jackson
  • "I Feel So Much Better Now..." The Dalai Lama
  • Baseball Bucs Wreaking havoc Dominique Wilkins
  • The Komedy Kwarter J.J. Rutland
  • Faculty Lecture Series Maureen Paglia

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