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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Lynne Cheney, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), University of Nevada in Reno (UNR), ERIC System, Steve Ealy, ROTC, Lane Library, Alex Gubenko, Soviet Union, USSR, Lily Golden, Soviet Union, Student Government Association (SGA), Robert Spauling, John Kearns, Savannah Spirits of the Continental Basketball Association, Bill Gebhart, Kelly Nelson, Robert Burnett


  • Report: more college core Amy Hudson
  • Lane Library works to improve Don R. Newman
  • Editorial
  • Why professors never change their clothes Dick Nordquist
  • Russian born teenager growing up an American in Savannah Dee Shurling
  • Russian sociologist visits ASC Nancy Dare
  • Lady Pirates ready for new season with new head coach Chris Foster
  • Bruce Willis Talking up a winner Ron Speir, Jr.
  • UFO, aliens invade campus T.H. Hunter

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