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Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, Student newspaper, Davita Capers, Vernell Cutter, ROTC, Ebony Coalition, College Union Board (CUB), Student Government Association (SGA), Phi Sigma Chi, Roe V. Wade, Stephanie Norman, Georgia Council for the Arts (GCA), St. Paul's Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, Georgia Council for the Arts (GCA), Savannah Science Museum, Clarence Day Foundation


  • Controversy surrounds homecoming deadline Dee Shurling
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Gun control: a matter of justice versus criminals Ron Speir, Jr.
  • Codswallop, claptrap, and Aryan flapdoodle: a review of the ASC catalog Lubby Juggins
  • Spaulding apologizes and looks ahead towards his term Robert M. Spaulding II
  • Miller apologizes for 'sexist' spring break ad
  • Paglia s position and swim team abolished amid controversy Ron Speir, Jr.

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