Additional Presentations- College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis Presentation (Restricted to Georgia Southern)
Faculty Mentor
Dr. Nicolette Rickert
Faculty Mentor Email
Presentation Year
Start Date
26-4-2021 12:00 AM
End Date
30-4-2021 12:00 AM
Georgia Southern University, Honors Symposium, Presentation
Peer relationships contribute to the development of adolescent minds in many ways. It is important that we explore the connection between positive peer relationships and academic achievement because the current literature overwhelmingly focuses on the negative. Bullying, peer victimization, and negative peer relationships have been thoroughly researched while positive peer relationships are often overlooked. A systematic literature review was conducted to explore the associations between positive peer interactions and adolescent academic performance. Research suggests improving peer relationships increases and improves academic functioning, specifically because peer relationships and acceptance can lead to a stronger connection to academic life (Gallardo & Barrassa, 2016). The improvement of social relationships increases the likelihood of peer influence on positive academic performance (DeLay et al., 2016). The findings of this review will provide context for the importance of incorporating positive peer relationships inside and outside of classrooms. This work is particularly relevant because of the pandemic bracing our world. During days of Zoom calls and remote/online learning, many children are unable to engage with their peers and friends as they used to before. Considering the importance of peer relationships in relation to academic achievement is crucial to adolescent academic success, now and in the future.
Academic Unit
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Adolescent Peer Relationships and their Associations with Academic Achievement
Additional Presentations- College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Peer relationships contribute to the development of adolescent minds in many ways. It is important that we explore the connection between positive peer relationships and academic achievement because the current literature overwhelmingly focuses on the negative. Bullying, peer victimization, and negative peer relationships have been thoroughly researched while positive peer relationships are often overlooked. A systematic literature review was conducted to explore the associations between positive peer interactions and adolescent academic performance. Research suggests improving peer relationships increases and improves academic functioning, specifically because peer relationships and acceptance can lead to a stronger connection to academic life (Gallardo & Barrassa, 2016). The improvement of social relationships increases the likelihood of peer influence on positive academic performance (DeLay et al., 2016). The findings of this review will provide context for the importance of incorporating positive peer relationships inside and outside of classrooms. This work is particularly relevant because of the pandemic bracing our world. During days of Zoom calls and remote/online learning, many children are unable to engage with their peers and friends as they used to before. Considering the importance of peer relationships in relation to academic achievement is crucial to adolescent academic success, now and in the future.
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