
Presentation- Parker College of Business

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis Presentation (Restricted to Georgia Southern)

Faculty Mentor

Dr. William Norton

Faculty Mentor Email


Presentation Year


Start Date

26-4-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-4-2021 12:00 AM


Georgia Southern University, Honors Symposium, Presentation


Savannah, Georgia has over ten million visitors that spend over three billion dollars each year. The streets of Savannah are filled with countless retail stores to meet the needs of every tourist and local. Unfortunately, even with all of these stores there is still an unmet need. There is currently no store in Savannah that offers a trendy and affordable shoe. The following business plan presents a way to capitalize on this unmet market need. Our company, Footloose, has the potential to have a competitive advantage in a unsaturated shoe market. Footloose will cater affordable shoes to any women looking to elevate their style for whatever occasion.

Academic Unit

Parker College of Business


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Apr 26th, 12:00 AM Apr 30th, 12:00 AM

Footloose Business Plan

Presentation- Parker College of Business

Savannah, Georgia has over ten million visitors that spend over three billion dollars each year. The streets of Savannah are filled with countless retail stores to meet the needs of every tourist and local. Unfortunately, even with all of these stores there is still an unmet need. There is currently no store in Savannah that offers a trendy and affordable shoe. The following business plan presents a way to capitalize on this unmet market need. Our company, Footloose, has the potential to have a competitive advantage in a unsaturated shoe market. Footloose will cater affordable shoes to any women looking to elevate their style for whatever occasion.