
Presentation- Parker College of Business

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis Presentation (Restricted to Georgia Southern)

Faculty Mentor

Dr. David Sikora

Faculty Mentor Email


Presentation Year


Start Date

26-4-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

30-4-2021 12:00 AM


Georgia Southern University, Honors Symposium, Presentation


Within the field of Human Resource Management, the topic of age related differences within the workforce has been of interest as a method of understanding the dynamics of workforce management. This study aims to develop a deeper understanding in age related differences by focusing specifically on influence tactics subordinates use to influence their supervisors. The current research shows gaps in the understanding of how the comparative age of a supervisor (the age of a supervisor compared to the age of a subordinate i.e. older, younger) affect the use of influence tactics. This study shows how the comparative age of a supervisor affects the use of influence tactics. This study additionally looks at the relationship between influence tactics and organizational commitment.

Academic Unit

Parker College of Business


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Apr 26th, 12:00 AM Apr 30th, 12:00 AM

Influence Tactics as a Function of Supervisor Age

Presentation- Parker College of Business

Within the field of Human Resource Management, the topic of age related differences within the workforce has been of interest as a method of understanding the dynamics of workforce management. This study aims to develop a deeper understanding in age related differences by focusing specifically on influence tactics subordinates use to influence their supervisors. The current research shows gaps in the understanding of how the comparative age of a supervisor (the age of a supervisor compared to the age of a subordinate i.e. older, younger) affect the use of influence tactics. This study shows how the comparative age of a supervisor affects the use of influence tactics. This study additionally looks at the relationship between influence tactics and organizational commitment.