An Anthropological Perspective: The Impact Breastfeeding Has on Maternal Mental Health
Russell Student Union, Statesboro Campus- Room 2052
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis Presentation (Restricted to Georgia Southern)
Faculty Mentor
Dr. Heidi Altman
Faculty Mentor Email
Presentation Year
Start Date
17-11-2021 6:00 PM
End Date
17-11-2021 7:00 PM
The mental wellbeing of mothers during their postnatal period is a vulnerable time for them and their child. Breastfeeding has many benefits for babies, but it also has benefits for the mother and their mother-infant relationship. Motherhood is a unique experience but practices and ideology that have been socially constructed have added pressure to mothers and how they provide for their child without considering the emotional and physical stress that they recently endured during their pregnancy and childbirth.
Academic Unit
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
An Anthropological Perspective: The Impact Breastfeeding Has on Maternal Mental Health
Russell Student Union, Statesboro Campus- Room 2052
The mental wellbeing of mothers during their postnatal period is a vulnerable time for them and their child. Breastfeeding has many benefits for babies, but it also has benefits for the mother and their mother-infant relationship. Motherhood is a unique experience but practices and ideology that have been socially constructed have added pressure to mothers and how they provide for their child without considering the emotional and physical stress that they recently endured during their pregnancy and childbirth.
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