Thesis Presentation- College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis Presentation (Open Access)
Faculty Mentor
Professor Beth McGee
Faculty Mentor Email
Presentation Year
Start Date
4-2020 12:00 AM
End Date
5-2020 12:00 AM
Georgia Southern University, Honors Program, Thesis Presentation
Researching Generation Z and their biophilic preferences will help the hotel industry in the future to create more revenue by knowing who their clients are and what they prefer as a whole. Nature and biophilic design have not been researched on the topic of incorporating it with Generation Z specifically and what they prefer.
Academic Unit
College of Science and Mathematics
Generation Z Preferences: Biophilic Interior Design Incorporated through Visual Art and Technology
Thesis Presentation- College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Researching Generation Z and their biophilic preferences will help the hotel industry in the future to create more revenue by knowing who their clients are and what they prefer as a whole. Nature and biophilic design have not been researched on the topic of incorporating it with Generation Z specifically and what they prefer.
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