Honors College Theses

Publication Date



International Studies (B.A.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Srobana Bhattacharya


In this thesis, I discuss how much major media outlets have contributed to the disparity of coverage on conflicts currently happening around the world. For this research, I am examining the Syrian Civil War and the Yemen Civil War. During the height of the Syrian Civil War, a multitude of major media outlets updated concerned readers of the events happening ; however there is a disparity in information concerning other civil wars in the same region such as the Yemeni Civil War that is ongoing. Through my investigation, I discover why there is a gap in information and how the audience reacts to this information. In my thesis, I discuss whether there is a correlation between the media coverage, the language that is used to describe each conflict/ war, and how people have responded to the information pushed out by these major media outlets and the reasoning behind this. I argue that major media outlets are biased, because they do not present an adequate amount of particular conflicts beyond basic information. My main goal in this research is to evaluate the approaches that media outlets use when talking about major conflicts/wars: what type of language is used, how long these issues are in the media’s eye, the type of media used to describe these issues and how much is written on each conflict/war? I hope to discover that the media is more inclined to represent conflicts that are more appealing to the audience due to the major influence the participants have around the globe.
