Honors College Theses
Publication Date
Civil Engineering (B.S.)
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)
Faculty Mentor
Dr. Shahnam Navaee
In this honors thesis, simulation models for analyzing a variety of mechanical and structural problems were developed utilizing the Abaqus finite element software package. The finite element method is a powerful method for solving complex problems, especially for those for which no closed-form solutions exist. The project had two main phases. In the first phase, the behavior of mechanical parts subjected to a variety of applied loads such as temperature loads, torsional loads, and bending moments were investigated. During the second phase, structural components such as frames and trusses were analyzed. Included in the presentation are sample developed simulation models of the studied mechanical and structural parts, along with the corresponding deformations and stress results. The computed results obtained in the study were all in excellent agreement with the analytical results documented in various textbooks, except in cases where approximate methods were used in the referenced resources.
Thesis Summary
In this honors thesis, simulation models for analyzing a variety of mechanical and structural problems were developed utilizing the Abaqus finite element software package. The finite element method is a powerful method for solving complex problems, especially for those for which no closed-form solutions exist. The project had two main phases. In the first phase, the behavior of mechanical parts subjected to a variety of applied loads such as temperature loads, torsional loads, and bending moments were investigated. During the second phase, structural components such as frames and trusses were analyzed. Included in the presentation are sample developed simulation models of the studied mechanical and structural parts, along with the corresponding deformations and stress results. The computed results obtained in the study were all in excellent agreement with the analytical results documented in various textbooks, except in cases where approximate methods were used in the referenced resources.
Recommended Citation
Ackerman, Kristin J., "Simulation Models for Analysis of Solid Bodies and Structures" (2022). Honors College Theses. 807.