Honors College Theses

Publication Date



Nursing (BSN)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Marian Tabi


Though healthcare professionals are significantly more likely to get vaccinated, this research project seeks to address the percentage of nurses that did not choose to take the vaccine, specifically student nurses (Al-Metwali et al., 2021). With high patient contact hours and representing the largest group of healthcare workers in the United States, high vaccine coverage amongst nurses can have direct benefits on vaccine coverage in the general population (Choi et al., 2022). Learning how to navigate the unprecedented times of the pandemic as both students and future nurses, Georgia Southern student nurses, as the subject of this study, provide an insight into the needs, factors, barriers, and beliefs at play in regards to vaccine hesitancy for the next generation of nurses. Participants were asked to complete a 25 question survey in Qualtrics, including both multiple choice as well as open-ended, qualitative questions to further explore the topic. A mixed method approach was utilized to collect data on student demographics and beliefs on COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccines, including questions that relate to effectiveness, benefits, barriers, susceptibility, and different mediums of vaccine education and news. The analysis provides a variety of barriers to vaccination that give insight to public health professionals as they consider topics to address that are relevant when educating healthcare providers, as well as the general population.
