Honors College Theses

Publication Date



Public Health (B.S.)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Joanne Chopak-Foss


The purpose of the study was to explore sociocultural influences on the intention to receive the Covid-19 vaccination and to measure which sociocultural factor had the greater influence: misinformation about the vaccine or specific cultural beliefs (religion and/or cultural practices) on vaccine intent in Georgia Southern students. An anonymous, exploratory survey was utilized to collect information on these constructs in two selected groups of students: those who had been vaccinated prior to taking the survey and those who had not been vaccinated prior to taking the survey. Subjects of the study were undergraduate, master’s degree, and doctoral students of the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health located at Georgia Southern University; a mid-size university located in the Southeastern United States. The survey questions were administered electronically and were designed using survey question banks from the Centers for Disease and Control and the World Health Organization. In total, seventy-three surveys were begun, but of these sixty-one were fully completed (N= 61). The results showed that the majority of students (N=56) were vaccinated. Of those who were unvaccinated, (N=5), religious objection was the sociocultural factor that contributed to lower vaccine uptake. There was no evidence that misinformation was a factor in lower vaccine uptake.
