Honors College Theses

Publication Date



Nursing (BSN)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Gina Crabb


Studies have shown that nursing students experience a greater-than-normal amount of anxiety and decreased clinical confidence when in settings involving infants and children, which is said to have a negative impact on the learning experience (Lassche, 2013; Moscaritolo, 2009). Patient education is a vital aspect of nursing, but one that the student nurse may not feel comfortable taking part in, either because of their lack of nursing experience or because of a lack of experience with infants and infant safety (Potter, 2020; Lassche, 2013). This project attempts to assess for a change in clinical confidence after providing a subject specific training to a cohort of nursing students on the topic of infant car seat safety, a subject that was chosen for its complexity, prevalence, and importance in postpartum nursing education (CDC, 2021; Haupt-Harrington, 2018). A PowerPoint presentation was given to nursing students in their Mother-Baby clinical orientation, using a variety of teaching techniques. A digital post-assessment was administered to assess their understanding of the material and any change in clinical confidence. Results were analyzed and revealed that there was a positive change in clinical confidence for nearly all nursing students who participated, as well as that they considered the presentation relevant and effective. This information could support future research into clinical education interventions for nursing students, specifically in the Mother-Baby clinical setting.
