Honors College Theses

Publication Date



Marketing (BBA)

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Faculty Mentor

Kristen Ruhland


The Chatham County Safety Net Planning Council presented research regarding dental health among Chatham County residents. The CCSNPC surveyed 598 low-income residents of the county. They asked questions regarding health insurance status, dental habitats, and frequencies of visits to the dentist. According to the needs assessment provided by the council, “only twenty-six percent of respondents had insurance with dental coverage.” With this piece of evidence, it can be inferred that dental health is not a priority for thousands of Chatham county residents. The Planning Council has proposed a free mobile dental event that will provide dental care to citizens who reside in the county and are low-income, under-insured, or not insured at all. The emphasis of this thesis centers around the branding of the event to entice more Chatham county residents to take advantage of this event, which will include multiple components:

● Logo for the event

● Marketing Schedule

● Marketing Budget

● Advertising (Flyers, Incentives to attend, etc.)

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