Honors College Theses
Publication Date
Physics (B.S.P.)
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis (open access)
Faculty Mentor
Dr. Maxim Durach
A primary goal of photonics is designing material structures that support predetermined electromagnetic field distributions. We have developed an inverse method to determine material parameters for a quartic metamaterial from six desired plane waves. This work inspired us to study how perturbations to the parameters can result in optical neutrality.
Thesis Summary
We seek a method to design material structures that support predetermined electromagnetic field distributions. For this reason, we have developed and inverse method to solve for material parameters for a quartic metamaterial from a set of six desired plane waves. This led to further research on the effect of perturbations to the material parameters on the k-surface and the potential for optical neutrality.
Recommended Citation
Mulkey, Thomas, "Quartic Metamaterials: The Inverse Method, Perturbations, and Bulk Optical Neutrality" (2019). Honors College Theses. 401.