Honors College Theses
Publication Date
Marketing (BBA)
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis (open access)
Faculty Mentor
Dr. Jacqueline Eastman
Extreme sports, sports characterized as involving speed, height and danger, have become an increasingly popular pastime around the world and have grown into a $250 billion industry. As a result of the inherent risks of taking part in these extreme sports, the most common participants are thrill seeking, risk taking, and often reckless. Known as the type-T personality type, these extreme sensation seeking individual’s constantly seek out new experiences that will stimulate their mind and frequently find their thrill by participating in extreme sports. The goal of this study is to determine various factors that will influence an individual’s thrill seeking behaviors by analyzing how the variables of risk aversion, status consumption, innovativeness, and social media use affect an individual’s adventure seeking tendencies.
Recommended Citation
Keane, Matthew I., "Predicting Thrill Seeking Behavior" (2018). Honors College Theses. 371.