Honors College Theses
The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Small Business Healthcare Costs
Publication Date
Accounting (BBA)
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis (open access)
Faculty Mentor
Charles Harter
In 2008, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, a groundbreaking law that completely overhauled the American healthcare system in an attempt to make healthcare more reasonably priced and available. The likely effectiveness of the law was heavily debated by politicians. This study looks at the portions of the la that affect small businesses. It includes reasons why, historically, small businesses have had high healthcare costs compared to larger businesses and how new regulations in the Affordable Care Act are likely to affect health insurance expenses for small firms.
Recommended Citation
Bennett, Austin, "The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Small Business Healthcare Costs" (2016). Honors College Theses. 207.