Kinematic Analysis of Four Plyometric Push Up Variations

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Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise






Unlike lower extremity plyometrics, data concerning the loads and intensity associated with upper extremity plyometrics are limited. Previous research concerning upper extremity plyometrics only considered vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) characteristics.

PURPOSE: To compare flight height, elbow flexion, elbow displacement, hand separation and peak vGRF between the clap push up (CPU) and box drop push ups (DPU) from 3.8cm (1.5 in), 7.6cm (3 in), and 10.2cm (4.5 in) heights.

METHODS: Ten active male subjects (86.0±11.6 kg, 1.82±0.7 m, 25±3 yrs) performed four repetitions of each plyometric push up variation in a counterbalanced order. Push ups were completed with each upper extremity positioned over a separate force plate. An electromagnetic tracking system (Motion Monitor, IST, Inc) collected kinematics of the trunk, dominant elbow and both hands. From the push up position, peak flight (maximal vertical trunk position during flight), elbow flexion at ground contact (GC), elbow displacement (difference between elbow position at GC and peak flexion) and hand separation at GC were calculated. Peak vGRF were also computed under the dominant extremity.

RESULTS: Significant peak vGRF differences were revealed between variations (P=.002), with post hoc analyses revealing CPU significantly greater than 3.8cm DPU (P=.011, d=.59), 7.6cm DPU (P=.006, d=.44) and 10.2cm DPU (P=.004, d=.45). Peak flight also revealed significant differences between exercises (P<.001) with post hoc analyses revealing 3.8cm DPU less than 7.6cm DPU (P<.001, d=.96), 10.2cm DPU (P<.001, d=1.57) and CPU (P<.001, d=2.9). Additionally the 7.6cm DPU was significantly less than the 10.2cm DPU (P=.004, d=.76) and CPU (P=.005, d=1.9). There were no significant differences for elbow flexion at GC (P=.116), elbow flexion displacement, (P=.277), or hand separation at GC (P=.194).

CONCLUSION: Based on the peak vGRF, it appears the CPU has the greatest intensity. Potentially explaining the peak vGRF is the greater peak flight coupled with no significant variation differences in elbow flexion at GC and elbow flexion displacement. Future research needs to consider how the peak vGRF were similar between the three DPU despite significant difference in peak flight and no significant difference in elbow flexion at GC or elbow displacement.


© 2011 American College of Sports Medicine
