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  • Armstrong: A Powerful Legacy
  • Forward Together
  • Student Affairs
  • Key Change
  • Cyber Defense
  • Growing a Legacy
  • Up First

Publication Date

Spring 2018

Volume Number



Georgia Southern University, Marketing and Communications

Document Type



Georgia Southern University, Communications and Marketing, Georgia Southern Magazine, Armstrong campus, Liberty Campus, Amelia Ballard, Children's Hospital of Atlanta (CHOA), President Hebert, Stacy Keach Sr., Hispanic Outreach and Leadership at Armstrong (HOLA), USG Board of Regents, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Student Government Associations, Dylan John, Nipuna Ambanpola, Savannah, Georj Lewis, Multicultural Student Center, Armstrong State University, Becky Case, computer programming, The Center for Applied Cyber Education (CACE), Scott C. Scheidt, John Shuman, RealSweet, Megan Gordon, Miss South Carolina USA 2018, MANA, Alejandra Gonzalez-Galan, The Center for Wildlife Education, Lamar Q Ball, Jr. Raptor Center, Statesboro campus, Russell McMurry, Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), Junan Shen, Gustavo Maldonado, Peter D. Rogers, Jennifer Kowalewski, Center for Art and Theatre, Tyra Wilson, Sarah McCarroll, ROTC, George Fredrick, Wendy Chambers, Awards for Excellence, Michele McCibony, Cordelia Zinskie, Wendy Chambers, Christine Whitlock, Chad Posick, Hani Samawi, Michael Toma, Jason Beck, Wendy Wolfe, Glenda Olgetree, Anne Katz, Allison Belzer, Waters College of Health Professions, The George-Anne, The Inkwell, John Bradley, Ulysee Mosley, Richard Cleveland, College of Education (COE), John David Curlis, Ray Delva, Lisa Sweany, Tom Kleinlein, Kim Dean, Sean McCaffrey, Adrian Peterson, Edwin Jackson, Chad Lunsford, football, Helen Taggart, Ann Levett, Savannah Chatham County Public School System (SCCPSS), Karli Buxton, Eminent Alumni Award, Irving Victor, Notable Alumni Honorees, Sherry Danello, Joseph Ferraro, Kevin Fitzmaurice, Dorothy Kempson, Lamar Kirkley, Ginger Masingill, Daniel Massey, Krista Mincey, Patrick O'Neil, Pamela Parker, David Plaspohl, Henry Precht, Patti Victor, Spence Hoynes, Sheila Hoynes, Southern Alumni Association, 1906 Society Event, Savannah International Trade & Convention Center


Higher Education


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Georgia Southern Magazine

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