Document Type
- SAC To Meet Here Nov. 19-21
- GSC Enrollment Down, Following State Trend
- AAC Honors Graduate
- Student Editorial Position Opened
- SAE Sponsors Career Day Nov. 17
- Pulse Survey To Be Delayed
- League Backs Visual Arts
- HEW Funds Ed. Program
- GSC Television Studio Transfers To Hollis
- View Point
- A Good Hero Is Not Hard To Find
- She's Not Pregnant
- Walsh Comes Alive
- Stephen Sings
- He's Ultra Cool
- Four Years Of College Don't Insure A Job
- Greek Beat
- Local Reactions To The General Election
- Dance Concert Features Starbuck
- Sports
- Eagle Bulletin
Publication Date
Georgia Southern University, Student Media
Georgia Southern University, The George-Anne, Georgia Southern College, Student Media, Newspaper, Meet, Enrollment, Story, Graduate, Editorial, Career Day, Survey, Visual Arts, Funds, Television, Dorm, Department, Pregnant, Hero, Sing, Cool, Job, Election, Dance Concert, Sports, Organizations
For all questions related to copyright and reuse of these materials, contact the Student Media Office, Georgia Southern University, Post Office Box 8067, Statesboro, GA 30460. E-mail:
Recommended Citation
Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1976). The George-Anne. 814.
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