Document Type



  • Statesboro Salutes T.C. With Enormous Show Featuring Fireworks
  • Harmon Caldwell Will Speak At Cone Dedication
  • Cast for Plays Are Selected
  • Sophomore Class Sponsors Dance Saturday Night
  • Child Development Is Taught In Nursey
  • Float Themes Are Announced
  • Construction Of Fire Escape Underway At East
  • Home Economics Day Held At T.C.
  • Homecoming Guests Must Be Registered
  • Beware! Conflict Will Arise
  • Something for the Records
  • Of Tolerance
  • The Did
  • The Editor Speaks
  • Tarry Not Freshman
  • Just Commenting
  • David Harris Sparks Professors In Excited Overtime Cage Game
  • Highlifers Defeat B-Pites 63-44
  • Bachelors Are Defeated By Thornton's Cagers
  • Strange's Squad Victorious Over Lamb; Win 53-26
  • Thornton's Team Scores 52-36 Win
  • Home Economics Group Meets

Publication Date



Georgia Southern University, Student Media


Georgia Teachers College, Collegeboro, The George-Anne, Newspaper, Student Media, Statesboro, Firework, Plays, Float, Dance, Child Development, Home Economics, Homecoming, Conflict, Seniors, Game, Bachelors


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