ePBIS: HERO in Every Environment

Biography of Primary Presenter

Jill Burwell is an Assistant Principle in the Bibb county school system.

Presentation Abstract

During this session participants will see how Veterans Elementary School used the PBIS ten critical elements to support students and parents in the virtual setting. This session will introduce strategies for involving all staff in the ePBIS process. Strategies will include how to Identify virtual core value(s) or behavior(s), schoolwide recognition and incentives, and a built-in early warning system for proactive behavior support for families in the virtual setting and face to face setting.

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ePBIS: HERO in Every Environment

During this session participants will see how Veterans Elementary School used the PBIS ten critical elements to support students and parents in the virtual setting. This session will introduce strategies for involving all staff in the ePBIS process. Strategies will include how to Identify virtual core value(s) or behavior(s), schoolwide recognition and incentives, and a built-in early warning system for proactive behavior support for families in the virtual setting and face to face setting.