Implementing Universal Supports at the Tier 4 Level
Presentation Abstract
1) Our presentation will focus on the Tier One or Universal critical elements of PBIS and how we incorporate these elements into the GNETS setting. The presentation will review each of the TFI critical elements and provide the audience with the information and examples on how NM GNETS tailors the elements for a more restrictive setting. We combine evidence-based practices for student with severe behavior concerns and place them within the PBIS framework. We focus on how we incorporate social skill curricula into teaching the expectations, using a leveled system for our students, and combining many data sources with discipline data to best serve our students.
Recommended Citation
Crittenden, Meredith; Lovett, Jodi; McClure, Bethany; and Rodriguez, Heysha, "Implementing Universal Supports at the Tier 4 Level" (2018). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 43.
Implementing Universal Supports at the Tier 4 Level
1) Our presentation will focus on the Tier One or Universal critical elements of PBIS and how we incorporate these elements into the GNETS setting. The presentation will review each of the TFI critical elements and provide the audience with the information and examples on how NM GNETS tailors the elements for a more restrictive setting. We combine evidence-based practices for student with severe behavior concerns and place them within the PBIS framework. We focus on how we incorporate social skill curricula into teaching the expectations, using a leveled system for our students, and combining many data sources with discipline data to best serve our students.