Building Resiliency Through Skills Acquisition
Presentation Abstract
What happens when the demands and expectations placed on our students or children exceeds their capabilities? What happens when we fail to acknowledge and address the skills deficit? The results are taxing and we see an increase in office discipline referrals, an increase in maladaptive behaviors, and a decrease in time spent in the classroom learning. Through the use of skills acquisition training (through Skillstreaming or Social Skills Improvement System), our children can better learn how to adhere to our expectations, both at home and at school. Teachers, administrators, and parents should leave presentation feeling confident in identifying deficits in social skills and in how to teach these social skills.
Recommended Citation
Hardison, Erik and Amerson, Stacey, "Building Resiliency Through Skills Acquisition" (2018). Georgia Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. 41.
Building Resiliency Through Skills Acquisition
What happens when the demands and expectations placed on our students or children exceeds their capabilities? What happens when we fail to acknowledge and address the skills deficit? The results are taxing and we see an increase in office discipline referrals, an increase in maladaptive behaviors, and a decrease in time spent in the classroom learning. Through the use of skills acquisition training (through Skillstreaming or Social Skills Improvement System), our children can better learn how to adhere to our expectations, both at home and at school. Teachers, administrators, and parents should leave presentation feeling confident in identifying deficits in social skills and in how to teach these social skills.