Presentation Abstract

Eren Denburg Niederhoffer and his Mother Dorian Denburg will discuss:
-Eren's story of his pursuit of self-improvement as a man on the Autism Spectrum
-The lessons he learned along the way while struggling with autism
-What he has accomplished as a man with autism
-What families of children and young adults with and without autism in their family can stand to benefit through Eren and Dorian's story and advice.

GAPBS 2017 Outline handout.docx (17 kB)
Material handouts for Audience

Eren Niederhoffer GAPBS 2017 Handout.docx (17 kB)
Revised Audience Handouts

Discussion for gapbs 2017.docx (15 kB)
Author Material

Eren GAPBS 2017 File 1.MP3 (14094 kB)
Presentation File 1

Eren GAPBS 2017 File 2.MP3 (14070 kB)
Presentation File 2

Eren GAPBS 2017 File 3.MP3 (15700 kB)
Presentation File 3

Eren GAPBS 2017 File 4.MP3 (16897 kB)
Presentation File 4

Eren GAPBS 2017 File 5.MP3 (16454 kB)
Presentation File 5



The Road to Self-Improvement; A Mother and Son story

Eren Denburg Niederhoffer and his Mother Dorian Denburg will discuss:
-Eren's story of his pursuit of self-improvement as a man on the Autism Spectrum
-The lessons he learned along the way while struggling with autism
-What he has accomplished as a man with autism
-What families of children and young adults with and without autism in their family can stand to benefit through Eren and Dorian's story and advice.