Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 100


Information Literacy: Literacy Across STEM Areas

The question of “Literacy across STEM Areas” is an area that is very important to Librarians. As the providers of information, it is imperative that libraries are an integral part in the conversation of STEM. Research have shown that today's scholars are overwhelmed with an abundant of information and data—throughout the research process. One of the ways that libraries and Librarians address this issue is through Information Literacy. Association for College and Research Libraries’ Information Literacy Standards for Science and Engineering/Technology (2012) states that information literacy has been an essential component in the core curricula of many of the science disciplines reinforcing information literacy goals from source selection, creation of effective search strategies, evaluation and dissemination of results. Discuss information literacy and technology integrated to engage learners and successful information literacy program across the curriculum.

Short Description

Information Literacy in the STEM curriculum but can be easily adapt for any subject. How-to literacy strategies for improvement of P-16 students reading, writing and speaking skills will include: Navigating the information world, best practices for determining the need for information, accessing information effectively, critically evaluating the information, and using the information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose

Session Goals

Contribute literacy professional development and literacy resources for all PreK-16 educators

Identify tools, methods, techniques and approaches that are most useful for development of information literacy


information literacy, technology, STEM

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 28th, 10:25 AM Sep 28th, 10:45 AM

Information Literacy: Literacy Across STEM Areas

Room 100

Information Literacy: Literacy Across STEM Areas

The question of “Literacy across STEM Areas” is an area that is very important to Librarians. As the providers of information, it is imperative that libraries are an integral part in the conversation of STEM. Research have shown that today's scholars are overwhelmed with an abundant of information and data—throughout the research process. One of the ways that libraries and Librarians address this issue is through Information Literacy. Association for College and Research Libraries’ Information Literacy Standards for Science and Engineering/Technology (2012) states that information literacy has been an essential component in the core curricula of many of the science disciplines reinforcing information literacy goals from source selection, creation of effective search strategies, evaluation and dissemination of results. Discuss information literacy and technology integrated to engage learners and successful information literacy program across the curriculum.