Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education

Presenter Information

Brian Odom, Wingate UniversityFollow


Room 100


Biology is the largest undergraduate major at Wingate University and Molecular Genetics is a required course for all biology majors. Some of the goals of this course are to provide technical training in skills required to function in the modern workforce. In addition to the gaining of molecular laboratory techniques, training in the use of library resources is also included in the laboratory curriculum. This training, taught by the course instructor, is a follow-up to an intensive library introduction provided by reference and instruction Librarians as part of the foundational molecular biology course taken during the freshman year.

This additional exposure to the use of library resources and advanced information literacy skill sets is one of the first two potential laboratory periods of the semester. The entire laboratory experience for that week is devoted to bibliographic instruction and is continued and reinforced through a semester-long, weekly assignment, which constitutes a significant portion of the laboratory grade. Through the years this assignment has been in place, “hacks” have been developed to significantly reduce the instructor’s weekly time investment in this ongoing (semester-long) student experience. This concept is readily adaptable to any academic discipline. An overview of the project, its evolution, and the “hacks” used to keep it afloat will be presented.

Short Description

One professor's approach to advanced library resources, information literacy skills, and assignments in electronic databases. This concept is readily adaptable to any academic discipline.

Session Goals

Information literacy in the sciences.

Advanced Boolean Operators for underclassmen

Searching in disciplines with closed vocabularies.


Science Information Literacy Undergraduates Library Resources

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 28th, 1:50 PM Sep 28th, 2:10 PM

Set It and Forget It! A self-sustaining semester-long literature assignment for an undergraduate Genetics Class. Now with a bonus Reference Game to emphasize Boolean operators!

Room 100

Biology is the largest undergraduate major at Wingate University and Molecular Genetics is a required course for all biology majors. Some of the goals of this course are to provide technical training in skills required to function in the modern workforce. In addition to the gaining of molecular laboratory techniques, training in the use of library resources is also included in the laboratory curriculum. This training, taught by the course instructor, is a follow-up to an intensive library introduction provided by reference and instruction Librarians as part of the foundational molecular biology course taken during the freshman year.

This additional exposure to the use of library resources and advanced information literacy skill sets is one of the first two potential laboratory periods of the semester. The entire laboratory experience for that week is devoted to bibliographic instruction and is continued and reinforced through a semester-long, weekly assignment, which constitutes a significant portion of the laboratory grade. Through the years this assignment has been in place, “hacks” have been developed to significantly reduce the instructor’s weekly time investment in this ongoing (semester-long) student experience. This concept is readily adaptable to any academic discipline. An overview of the project, its evolution, and the “hacks” used to keep it afloat will be presented.