Driving forward: Using Google Drive to enhance the teaching of Information Literacy.

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 100


For librarians, instruction in the library classroom is often a race against the clock and battle against bogged down with boring “point-and-click” demonstrations of how to use library resources. Frustrated with this, the presenter sought out ways save time and increase student engagement while delving deeper into actually teaching information literacy concepts. Employing backward design led to utilizing the tools offered through Google Drive in refocusing library instruction toward Information Literacy through and away from basic resource demonstration. Once implemented, and after a few failures, this newly refocused pedagogical design led to increased active learning, elevated student engagement, and increased instructional efficiency that encouraged students to engage with Information Literacy and library searching. Utilizing the free tools available through Google Drive will enhance instruction of information literacy while providing an avenue for moving beyond the basic library resource demonstrations. This presentation will showcase how incorporating tools in Google Drive in helping streamline instruction while making it more active, interesting, and participatory for students but it also engages the librarian in creating each instruction session unique to each course.

Presentation Description

In this presentation, the librarian will discuss and demonstrate how he utilizes the tools of Google Drive and backward design for teaching Information Literacy catered to each course. Combined, Google Drive and backward design, increase student engagement and active learning during library instruction.

Session Goals

Attendees will develop new ways of thinking about IL instruction that goes beyond the basic "point-and-click" library resource instruction.


IL, Instructional Technology, Student Engagement

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 28th, 1:00 PM Sep 28th, 1:20 PM

Driving forward: Using Google Drive to enhance the teaching of Information Literacy.

Room 100

For librarians, instruction in the library classroom is often a race against the clock and battle against bogged down with boring “point-and-click” demonstrations of how to use library resources. Frustrated with this, the presenter sought out ways save time and increase student engagement while delving deeper into actually teaching information literacy concepts. Employing backward design led to utilizing the tools offered through Google Drive in refocusing library instruction toward Information Literacy through and away from basic resource demonstration. Once implemented, and after a few failures, this newly refocused pedagogical design led to increased active learning, elevated student engagement, and increased instructional efficiency that encouraged students to engage with Information Literacy and library searching. Utilizing the free tools available through Google Drive will enhance instruction of information literacy while providing an avenue for moving beyond the basic library resource demonstrations. This presentation will showcase how incorporating tools in Google Drive in helping streamline instruction while making it more active, interesting, and participatory for students but it also engages the librarian in creating each instruction session unique to each course.