Don't Cancel That Class! Creating Opportunities for Library Instruction.

Type of Presentation

Poster Session (45 minutes)

Target Audience

Higher Education




Academic librarians and faculty both understand the importance of teaching information literacy skills to college students and the value of library instruction; however it can be a challenge to fit library instruction sessions into a busy semester schedule. In the fall semester of 2016, Armstrong State University Reference and Instruction Librarians, reached out to faculty by offering creative instruction sessions for those who needed to miss class. Instead of canceling class, faculty have the option to choose from three interactive standalone library instruction sessions.

Utilizing this model allows librarians to address important information literacy proficiencies that fall through the cracks of the standard research assignment preparation, and engages faculty who may not otherwise seek library instruction. The classes are interdisciplinary and can be adjusted for all learners from freshman to graduate level, making them attractive to faculty and students who have already had more traditional library instruction. Each session includes an activity that is graded by the librarian or professor for course credit.

During this poster session, handouts will be provided with detailed lesson plans for each interactive class, along with a discussion of the benefits of the “Don’t Cancel That Class” program, and opportunities for future improvement.

Presentation Description

In the fall semester of 2016, Armstrong State University Reference and Instruction Librarians, began offering creative instruction sessions for faculty who needed to miss class. Instead of canceling class, faculty have the option to choose from three interactive standalone library instruction sessions. During this poster session, handouts will be provided with detailed lesson plans for each interactive class, along with a discussion of the benefits of the “Don’t Cancel That Class” program, and opportunities for future improvement.


information literacy, teaching librarian, instruction librarian, threshold concepts, library marketing, library outreach, library instruction

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 28th, 1:00 PM Sep 28th, 2:00 PM

Don't Cancel That Class! Creating Opportunities for Library Instruction.


Academic librarians and faculty both understand the importance of teaching information literacy skills to college students and the value of library instruction; however it can be a challenge to fit library instruction sessions into a busy semester schedule. In the fall semester of 2016, Armstrong State University Reference and Instruction Librarians, reached out to faculty by offering creative instruction sessions for those who needed to miss class. Instead of canceling class, faculty have the option to choose from three interactive standalone library instruction sessions.

Utilizing this model allows librarians to address important information literacy proficiencies that fall through the cracks of the standard research assignment preparation, and engages faculty who may not otherwise seek library instruction. The classes are interdisciplinary and can be adjusted for all learners from freshman to graduate level, making them attractive to faculty and students who have already had more traditional library instruction. Each session includes an activity that is graded by the librarian or professor for course credit.

During this poster session, handouts will be provided with detailed lesson plans for each interactive class, along with a discussion of the benefits of the “Don’t Cancel That Class” program, and opportunities for future improvement.