POGIL and IL: Paired Pedagogies

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 1002


POGIL and IL paired pedagogies

Interior design learning domains include a strong foci on life safety and building codes (LSBC), teamwork, information literacy (IL) and lifelong learning. However, instructors remain stymied by developing pedagogies that engage student interest in LSBC, and resistance to teaming is entrenched. Furthermore, students unexposed to IL and credible disciplinary resourcing techniques may be ill prepared for the practice.


In a senior design studio with heavy LSBC content, faculty ascertained student benefits from a team-based study model employing POGIL (Process-Oriented Guided Instructional Learning) as a pathway to improving disciplinary IL and exemplary of lifelong learning.

Based on constructivist pedagogical principles, POGIL is structured peer-to-peer learning through small group exercises, interaction and problem solving. The POGIL process empowers students to apply their understanding to new problems (Pennino, 2006). The pedagogical framework of IL requires students to define the research question and embark on guided information-seeking methods (Mitchell & Hiatt, 2010). In the studio course, teams were presented with a question/scenario and supplied with links to online LSBC. They were required to locate suitable sources of information, to interpret and discuss applications, and to propose solutions. Students practiced team-based information exploration and problem solving, and utilized discipline-specific IL resource and analysis skills.


The collaborative studio created opportunities for meta-cognition and peer evaluation, with assessment based on valuable contributions to the team. Researchers conclude that IL practice in the studio using POGIL skills could translate to efficacy in a profession that values teamwork , accountability and operational IL.

Short Description

Presentation of a classroom case study that employed Process Oriented Guided Instructional Learning (POGIL) with discipline-specific Information Literacy goals to prepare students for a profession and for lifelong learning. Findings of a two-year study suggest that this model encourages collaborative learning and breaks down barriers to learning technical data.


Information literacy, POGIL, teamwork, lifelong learning, accountability, collaboration

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 28th, 1:50 PM Sep 28th, 2:10 PM

POGIL and IL: Paired Pedagogies

Room 1002

POGIL and IL paired pedagogies

Interior design learning domains include a strong foci on life safety and building codes (LSBC), teamwork, information literacy (IL) and lifelong learning. However, instructors remain stymied by developing pedagogies that engage student interest in LSBC, and resistance to teaming is entrenched. Furthermore, students unexposed to IL and credible disciplinary resourcing techniques may be ill prepared for the practice.


In a senior design studio with heavy LSBC content, faculty ascertained student benefits from a team-based study model employing POGIL (Process-Oriented Guided Instructional Learning) as a pathway to improving disciplinary IL and exemplary of lifelong learning.

Based on constructivist pedagogical principles, POGIL is structured peer-to-peer learning through small group exercises, interaction and problem solving. The POGIL process empowers students to apply their understanding to new problems (Pennino, 2006). The pedagogical framework of IL requires students to define the research question and embark on guided information-seeking methods (Mitchell & Hiatt, 2010). In the studio course, teams were presented with a question/scenario and supplied with links to online LSBC. They were required to locate suitable sources of information, to interpret and discuss applications, and to propose solutions. Students practiced team-based information exploration and problem solving, and utilized discipline-specific IL resource and analysis skills.


The collaborative studio created opportunities for meta-cognition and peer evaluation, with assessment based on valuable contributions to the team. Researchers conclude that IL practice in the studio using POGIL skills could translate to efficacy in a profession that values teamwork , accountability and operational IL.