Yes, and... Building effective collaborations from simple requests
Type of Presentation
Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)
Target Audience
Higher Education
Room 218/220
At the University of West Georgia, librarian Jean Cook will outline her development of a liaison relationship with the School of Nursing. In the past five years, she has gone from 1-2 orientation sessions each year to being involved with the faculty and students at every level: freshman, pre-nursing, upper-level undergraduate, masters, doctoral, as well as faculty and staff projects. The core of her strategy focuses around the improv technique of 'Yes, and.' That is, when someone proposes something, you agree and then build on their suggestion. Outside faculty do not know what librarians can or are willing to do. It's difficult to break into an established curriculum and pedagogy. By taking advantage of those moments where we can connect, and exceeding expectations with effective pedagogy and an openness to assist, librarians can build meaningful and lasting partnerships. This presentation will cover how the librarian was first asked to develop a few tutorials, and leveraged that request into an integrated, scaffolded permanent place in the graduate nursing programming. Then how she used those experiences to break into the faculty and undergraduate research efforts.
Short Description
Jean Cook serves as the nursing liaison at the University of West Georgia. By embracing the improv ideal of ‘Yes, and’ to encourage library engagement, she has developed her relationship with the School of Nursing from 1-2 orientations a year to working with the faculty and students at all levels: pre-nursing, upper-level, graduate, and faculty research. This presentation will cover how librarians can leverage simple requests into meaningful partnerships with faculty across campus.
Collaboration, outreach, information literacy, pedagogy
Publication Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Recommended Citation
Cook, Jean, "Yes, and... Building effective collaborations from simple requests" (2018). Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy. 15.
Yes, and... Building effective collaborations from simple requests
Room 218/220
At the University of West Georgia, librarian Jean Cook will outline her development of a liaison relationship with the School of Nursing. In the past five years, she has gone from 1-2 orientation sessions each year to being involved with the faculty and students at every level: freshman, pre-nursing, upper-level undergraduate, masters, doctoral, as well as faculty and staff projects. The core of her strategy focuses around the improv technique of 'Yes, and.' That is, when someone proposes something, you agree and then build on their suggestion. Outside faculty do not know what librarians can or are willing to do. It's difficult to break into an established curriculum and pedagogy. By taking advantage of those moments where we can connect, and exceeding expectations with effective pedagogy and an openness to assist, librarians can build meaningful and lasting partnerships. This presentation will cover how the librarian was first asked to develop a few tutorials, and leveraged that request into an integrated, scaffolded permanent place in the graduate nursing programming. Then how she used those experiences to break into the faculty and undergraduate research efforts.