508 Online Compliance for LibGuides, Library DIY, and IL Tutorials at Portland State University

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 211


By updating online, general education, learning objects such as research skills tutorials, Library DIY, information literacy videos, and LibGuides to meet accessibility requirements, information literacy instruction becomes accessible to all students, including the visually and hearing impaired. In 2016, the Portland State University Library hired an accessibility expert to review our online learning objects, especially LibGuides, Library DIY, and online information literacy tutorials, for 508 Web Compliance, the standards developed by the GSA Government-wide Section 508 Accessibility Program. Based on what we learned from the expert, we upgraded our learning objects to make them accessible. Teaching basic information literacy and research skills online that is accessible, is pedagogically enhanced by a keen focus on clear language for breadcrumbs, url links, and narrative descriptions of screenshots. All students benefit from this attention to logical navigation, repetition of the learning outcome, and succinct language. In this presentation, you will learn about plug-ins to evaluate your online learning objects for accessibility, as well as what to look for while upgrading them such as best practices for alternative texts for images, the importance of narrative descriptions of screenshots, breadcrumbs language, closed captions, concrete urls, and much more.

Short Description

By updating online, general education, learning objects such as research skills tutorials, information literacy videos, and LibGuides to meet online accessibility requirements, or 508 Web Compliance, information literacy instruction becomes accessible to all students, including the visually and hearing impaired. You will learn about plug-ins to evaluate your online learning objects for accessibility, as well as what to look for while editing them, such as best practices for alternative texts for images, narrative descriptions of screenshots, breadcrumbs language, closed captions, and explicit url links.


accessibility, online learning objects, 508 compliance

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 15th, 8:30 AM Sep 15th, 9:45 AM

508 Online Compliance for LibGuides, Library DIY, and IL Tutorials at Portland State University

Room 211

By updating online, general education, learning objects such as research skills tutorials, Library DIY, information literacy videos, and LibGuides to meet accessibility requirements, information literacy instruction becomes accessible to all students, including the visually and hearing impaired. In 2016, the Portland State University Library hired an accessibility expert to review our online learning objects, especially LibGuides, Library DIY, and online information literacy tutorials, for 508 Web Compliance, the standards developed by the GSA Government-wide Section 508 Accessibility Program. Based on what we learned from the expert, we upgraded our learning objects to make them accessible. Teaching basic information literacy and research skills online that is accessible, is pedagogically enhanced by a keen focus on clear language for breadcrumbs, url links, and narrative descriptions of screenshots. All students benefit from this attention to logical navigation, repetition of the learning outcome, and succinct language. In this presentation, you will learn about plug-ins to evaluate your online learning objects for accessibility, as well as what to look for while upgrading them such as best practices for alternative texts for images, the importance of narrative descriptions of screenshots, breadcrumbs language, closed captions, concrete urls, and much more.