Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 212


The ever-evolving digital resources in multiple types and formats have introduced numerous opportunities for enhanced teaching-and-learning environments focused on student–driven activities. Many of these strategies have already been implemented at educational institutions throughout the world.

This presentation will demonstrate how blended learning pedagogies in a library’s one-shot and for-credit courses cultivate research and critical thinking skills. The presenter will discuss how to customize library instruction for diverse student populations who have a complex history of multiple learning styles and varying literacy levels.

The presenter will describe several strategies that activate prior knowledge so that building new knowledge is seamlessly organic. These include a flipped classroom, collaborative learning, turn and talk, think pair share, scholarly communication, small group work, peer evaluation, integrated learning, embedded librarian, anticipatory slips, case scenarios and others. Such techniques specifically focus on developing research and critical thinking skills through student-centric activities.

The speaker will demonstrate blended learning methods using both asynchronous and synchronous delivery platforms. She will discuss learning tools including online tutorials, web conferencing, lecture capture software; e-portfolios; digital storytelling, digital story boarding; concept mapping, use of special library software and delivery platforms; use of interactive eBooks and mixed modalities; use of new technological /mobile applications, incorporating the vast amount of digital resources on the web- for student–centered learning to enhance student engagement. Time will be allotted for discussion and questions. The presentation will conclude with a conversation about best practices and address potential challenges and problems, suggesting possible solutions or alternatives.

Presentation Description

Blended learning enhances 21st-century learning by engaging students to cultivate research and critical thinking skills. The speaker will discuss pedagogical techniques and scenarios for asynchronous and synchronous delivery platforms. Participants will be able to incorporate blended learning in their library instruction.


Blended learning, Active learning, Research skills, Critical thinking skills, Library instruction, Pedagogy, 21st-century learner, Multiple learning styles, Organic learning, Information literacy

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Oct 1st, 9:45 AM Oct 1st, 11:00 AM

Developing Blended Learning in Library Instruction to Cultivate Research and Critical Thinking Skills in the Undergraduate Student Population

Room 212

The ever-evolving digital resources in multiple types and formats have introduced numerous opportunities for enhanced teaching-and-learning environments focused on student–driven activities. Many of these strategies have already been implemented at educational institutions throughout the world.

This presentation will demonstrate how blended learning pedagogies in a library’s one-shot and for-credit courses cultivate research and critical thinking skills. The presenter will discuss how to customize library instruction for diverse student populations who have a complex history of multiple learning styles and varying literacy levels.

The presenter will describe several strategies that activate prior knowledge so that building new knowledge is seamlessly organic. These include a flipped classroom, collaborative learning, turn and talk, think pair share, scholarly communication, small group work, peer evaluation, integrated learning, embedded librarian, anticipatory slips, case scenarios and others. Such techniques specifically focus on developing research and critical thinking skills through student-centric activities.

The speaker will demonstrate blended learning methods using both asynchronous and synchronous delivery platforms. She will discuss learning tools including online tutorials, web conferencing, lecture capture software; e-portfolios; digital storytelling, digital story boarding; concept mapping, use of special library software and delivery platforms; use of interactive eBooks and mixed modalities; use of new technological /mobile applications, incorporating the vast amount of digital resources on the web- for student–centered learning to enhance student engagement. Time will be allotted for discussion and questions. The presentation will conclude with a conversation about best practices and address potential challenges and problems, suggesting possible solutions or alternatives.