Bespoke Information Literacy Instruction: Tailoring the Framework to Fit Your Information Literacy Program

Type of Presentation

Workshop (1 hour and 15 minutes)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 1220 A/B


In this workshop, we will introduce participants to the GGC Library method of altering the old pattern and tailoring the new ACRL Framework to fit an information literacy program. Participants will be given a packet including an essential question and student learning outcomes drawn from the knowledge practices, dispositions, and performance indicators of both the new Framework and the old Standards. Working in small groups, participants will identify the selected outcomes that are responsive to the essential question and will work collaboratively to assign each outcome to an appropriate level of student ability and understanding. Participants will then work together to determine where in the research process their EQs and SLOs belong. The small groups will be asked to report out to the larger body and everyone will be invited to contribute to a large group discussion. The presenters will facilitate the participants’ efforts and lead the discussion on the possibilities and pitfalls of using this iterative method for structuring an academic information literacy program. Participants will be able to describe the GGC Library method, practice it with their peers, and take it home to begin implementing at their own institutions.


5 min – Presenter introductions

10 min- Background and history of GGC Library method

40 min – Activity – 1) determine relevant SLOs for each EQ, 2) scaffold those SLOs from beginner to expert levels of practice, 3) determine how the EQ and SLOs fits into the overall research process

15 min – Wrap up - Limitations and Future Directions

Presentation Description

Feeling hemmed in by the old standards? Looking for a way to tailor the Framework to fit your institution? We’re busting at the seams with ideas and we want to share our handiwork with you. This workshop will introduce you to our method of altering the old pattern and tailoring the Framework to fit.


Framework, Adaptation, Research Process, Student Learning, Essential Questions

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 30th, 10:00 AM Sep 30th, 11:30 AM

Bespoke Information Literacy Instruction: Tailoring the Framework to Fit Your Information Literacy Program

Room 1220 A/B

In this workshop, we will introduce participants to the GGC Library method of altering the old pattern and tailoring the new ACRL Framework to fit an information literacy program. Participants will be given a packet including an essential question and student learning outcomes drawn from the knowledge practices, dispositions, and performance indicators of both the new Framework and the old Standards. Working in small groups, participants will identify the selected outcomes that are responsive to the essential question and will work collaboratively to assign each outcome to an appropriate level of student ability and understanding. Participants will then work together to determine where in the research process their EQs and SLOs belong. The small groups will be asked to report out to the larger body and everyone will be invited to contribute to a large group discussion. The presenters will facilitate the participants’ efforts and lead the discussion on the possibilities and pitfalls of using this iterative method for structuring an academic information literacy program. Participants will be able to describe the GGC Library method, practice it with their peers, and take it home to begin implementing at their own institutions.


5 min – Presenter introductions

10 min- Background and history of GGC Library method

40 min – Activity – 1) determine relevant SLOs for each EQ, 2) scaffold those SLOs from beginner to expert levels of practice, 3) determine how the EQ and SLOs fits into the overall research process

15 min – Wrap up - Limitations and Future Directions