Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 1002


For years, we have used the CRAAP Test as an information evaluation mechanism in our instruction sessions. We apply it to everyday, real-life stories, and to complex research as needed. Currently, we are adapting our practices of CRAAP Test instruction by expanding the evaluation to include the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Specifically, we have given each CRAAP letter a frame for discussion when evaluating. This presentation will cover what frames we have assigned to each letter, why, and the assessment of the instruction using these concepts.

Short Description

This presentation will cover our adaptation of the ACRL Framework to fit the popular CRAAP Test evaluation of information, how we use it in instruction, and how it's working.


Framework, CRAAP Test, Instruction

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 30th, 2:45 PM Sep 30th, 4:00 PM

Frameworking CRAAP: How We're Correlating the ACRL Framework to Content Evaluation with the CRAAP Test in Our Instruction Practices

Room 1002

For years, we have used the CRAAP Test as an information evaluation mechanism in our instruction sessions. We apply it to everyday, real-life stories, and to complex research as needed. Currently, we are adapting our practices of CRAAP Test instruction by expanding the evaluation to include the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Specifically, we have given each CRAAP letter a frame for discussion when evaluating. This presentation will cover what frames we have assigned to each letter, why, and the assessment of the instruction using these concepts.