Type of Presentation
Poster Session (45 minutes)
Target Audience
Higher Education
Outside The Box: An Information Literacy Course Web2.0 Project
At Georgia Southwestern State University, “Foundations of Information Literacy” is an Area B course to fulfill core requirements. The one hour course is theoretical and practical in content and offers students information beyond the “traditional” information literacy course descriptions. A theme of the course is the impact of information on the life of the college student. For the final project, students are required to use a Web2.0 tool to illustrate how information influences their everyday life. Discussions include how information is obtained, used, disseminated, and evaluated. Students develop the presentation and write a one page reflection paper about the project. For some students the idea of not writing a research paper is daunting and overwhelming because it is something new and different. Informal feedback and evaluations show students enjoy the opportunity to express knowledge, learning, and information competency in a creative manner. Not only do they explore information and its impact on their lives, they use technology to present the information in a creative manner.
Short Description
Outside the Box: Using a Web2.0 tool to illustrate information literacy competencies. This poster will demonstrate outcomes from a Foundations of Information Literacy course at Georgia Southwestern State University where students use technology to complete the final course project.
Publication Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Recommended Citation
Story Huffman, Ru, "Outside the Box: An Information Literacy Course Web2.0 Project" (2015). Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy. 96.
Outside the Box: An Information Literacy Course Web2.0 Project
Outside The Box: An Information Literacy Course Web2.0 Project
At Georgia Southwestern State University, “Foundations of Information Literacy” is an Area B course to fulfill core requirements. The one hour course is theoretical and practical in content and offers students information beyond the “traditional” information literacy course descriptions. A theme of the course is the impact of information on the life of the college student. For the final project, students are required to use a Web2.0 tool to illustrate how information influences their everyday life. Discussions include how information is obtained, used, disseminated, and evaluated. Students develop the presentation and write a one page reflection paper about the project. For some students the idea of not writing a research paper is daunting and overwhelming because it is something new and different. Informal feedback and evaluations show students enjoy the opportunity to express knowledge, learning, and information competency in a creative manner. Not only do they explore information and its impact on their lives, they use technology to present the information in a creative manner.