Building on the Basics: Scaffolding Information Literacy Skills within a Single Course
Type of Presentation
Panel (1 hour and 15 minutes presentation total for two or more presenters)
Target Audience
Higher Education
Room 217
: Information literacy curriculum is often concerned with introducing skills through the provision of one-shot research sessions or developing student skills over the course of an undergraduate education. This presentation describes how two professors and an academic librarian have collaborated to develop workshops and engagements that provided extensive information literacy skills within one course settings. The presenters will describe the use of librarian consultancy in both general education and in the setting of a professional school. The first professor will discuss how the engagements with information literacy have helped her First Year Composition (FYC) undergraduate students comprehend and adapt to the expectations of academic researched writing in the required introductory English 101 course, specifically to develop the ability to select, assess, and integrate relevant and reliable source materials as evidence in support of academic argument. The second professor will describe the process that has helped her students as candidates for a degree in Elementary Education apply their information literacy skills to their chosen profession of teacher education with a focus on material selection and determining information need through learning to successfully navigate and access quality informational texts for use in the K-6 classroom and use the informational texts effectively to accomplish specific teaching tasks. Finally, the librarian will discuss how to develop and support such partnerships in the varied settings of a general education course and a major program course. Participants are encouraged to bring their own electronic devices to engage in active learning exercises.
Short Description
This presentation describes how two professors and an academic librarian have collaborated to develop workshops and engagements that provided extensive information literacy skills within one course settings. The presenters will describe the use of librarian consultancy in both general education and in the setting of a professional school. Participants are encouraged to bring their own electronic devices to engage in active learning exercises.
Publication Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Recommended Citation
Rhodes, Lynne A.; Weaver, Kari D.; and Vanderburg, Michelle A., "Building on the Basics: Scaffolding Information Literacy Skills within a Single Course" (2015). Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy. 68.
Building on the Basics: Scaffolding Information Literacy Skills within a Single Course
Room 217
: Information literacy curriculum is often concerned with introducing skills through the provision of one-shot research sessions or developing student skills over the course of an undergraduate education. This presentation describes how two professors and an academic librarian have collaborated to develop workshops and engagements that provided extensive information literacy skills within one course settings. The presenters will describe the use of librarian consultancy in both general education and in the setting of a professional school. The first professor will discuss how the engagements with information literacy have helped her First Year Composition (FYC) undergraduate students comprehend and adapt to the expectations of academic researched writing in the required introductory English 101 course, specifically to develop the ability to select, assess, and integrate relevant and reliable source materials as evidence in support of academic argument. The second professor will describe the process that has helped her students as candidates for a degree in Elementary Education apply their information literacy skills to their chosen profession of teacher education with a focus on material selection and determining information need through learning to successfully navigate and access quality informational texts for use in the K-6 classroom and use the informational texts effectively to accomplish specific teaching tasks. Finally, the librarian will discuss how to develop and support such partnerships in the varied settings of a general education course and a major program course. Participants are encouraged to bring their own electronic devices to engage in active learning exercises.